Categories: Internet Safety

Understanding Online Dangers and Child Safety

Understanding child safety and online dangers is essential for protecting your children. If you have an understanding of the Internet, you are aware that dangers lurk in nearly every corner. The Internet is a growing roadway that links people together through a network. The logic of learning the Internet is part of teaching your child how to miss online dangers, and some of that information will include where children visit online. What types of dangers are online? How can you protect your child from these dangers? What does the Internet offer to children? Why are the children interested in a virtual reality platform?

Where Children Visit Online
Children will often frequent the Internet, visiting Chat Rooms, Bulletin Boards, Websites, Web Browsers, Search Engines, and will use e-mails to correspond with friends.

Types of Dangers Online
The dangers online include codes that attach your computer, Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Spyware, Shareware, Adware, and so forth. Still, these dangers can harm your computer, but other dangers can cost your child’s life. Some of the other types of predators online, include pedophiles, serial rapist/killers, hackers, child pornographers, and so forth.

How to protect your child
Informing your child is the ultimate solution while protecting your child. The Internet is a highway, therefore similar to teaching your child how to avoid dangers offline, you will teach your child to avoid dangers online. You would not allow your child to play in a major highway, or a highway period, therefore why would you let your child play in traffic online.

What is offered online?
The Internet offers a wealth of information. The information online includes homework help, chatting tools, research information, pornography, and so much more.

What is the tools children use?
Again, children use e-mails, chat rooms, webcams, bulletin boards, message rooms, newsrooms, and more while online. In the rooms are choices, which include uncensored and censored areas.

Usenet newsgroups are peoples joining rooms for discussion over the Internet. The Internet has thousands of diverse Usenet newsgroups and most programs are free to all users. The Usenet was initially set up to provide a source to transmit local news flanked by two institution of higher education in North Carolina. Usenet then is a discussion board where people communicate, and newsgroups means that news is being transmitted from person to person via Internet. The Usenet newsgroup post messages (“called ARTICLES”) to a discussion board and all members then are capable of reading the messages. In order to determine the subject of the articles or to find a specific subject you will need to refer to the “names” such as chat. Grow…Referring to the name chat.

Now, we can deduce that we are going into a chat area that intends go grow into a large newsgroup. In order to get on board in most cases you will need to set up a username, password and provide some personal information. Since Usenet, newsgroups are set up in Hierarchies we need to consider using two different hierarchies. By setting up a username and password, you will be allowed to enter the Usenet newsgroup boards.

The Usenet newsgroups are categorized into what are known as Hierarchies…In segments the hierarchies are broken down. For instance, the primary hierarchy is the name itself (chat), which means chat hierarchy contains newsgroups in which users talk about Usenet, and the second hierarchy “grow” is for disputing. The uncensored boards are where groups join to share pictures, and often these pictures are of adult content. As you can see, understanding censored and uncensored since many uncensored chatting goes on in newsgroups, it is important while teaching your child and helping your child avoid online dangers.