Categories: Child Safety

First Aid for Children with Frostbite

If you are a parent in an area that is known to experience extremely cold temperatures and snow, it is important to know first aid for children with frostbite. When a child experiences this particular condition, it means that the tissue of the body has frozen. While it may be hard to believe that this could happen, it does and on a regular basis in climates that are extremely cold. In some instances, more freezes in the body than just the skin. It is essential to treat a child immediately that has this condition to ensure that tissue damage that is permanent in nature is prevented. Here, I will introduce you to the first aid for children with frostbite technique.

When a child has frostbite, there are certain symptoms that are present to indicate that this has occurred. Typically, you will be able to see that the skin has a white appearance. In many instances, it may feel slightly “waxy” in nature. In addition to this, the skin may feel as if it is extremely hard and the child may complain that they cannot feel it. If you find that these symptoms are present, then it is important to follow these first aid for children with frostbite steps: 

1. The very first thing that you will want to do is to provide your child with clothing that is considered to be warm. Once you have provided warm clothing, it is important to make sure that they are permitted to experience an area in the home that is warm as well.

2. The next step that you will want to take is make arrangements to get your child to a medical doctor as soon as you possibly can. This may mean driving your child to a hospital or calling an ambulance.

3. You should provide your child with something that is relatively warm to drink. This may include warm tea, milk, water, or chocolate.

4. The area that has been affected by the frostbite should be covered with warm compresses – just not extremely hot ones. It is best to leave the compresses on for approximately half an hour.

5. It is important to know and understand when treating your child for frostbite that the skin may blister. You should work to avoid eliminating any blisters that may occur and avoid rubbing the skin in any way. Many say that the best treatment is to expose the area to snow. This is false. You should work to warm the area, not make it colder.

As you can see, there are many first aid tips for children with frostbite. As you treat your child for this condition, it is important to understand that when the skin regains its color – sometimes, pink – that the skin is becoming thawed. Even if this occurs, it is important to still seek medical treatment to ensure that if there is any damage, a doctor may be able to reverse it. Remember, frostbite is a serious condition that should not be taken lightly – this is especially true when it is a child that you are dealing with.