Staying Safe this Halloween: Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Halloween is a fun time for kids. However, make sure it is also a safe…

Children of Abuse: In Our Thoughts Daily

Child abuse is widespread; an epidemic. Although untold numbers of abused kids are losing their…

Child Safety – When and How To Ask A Stranger For Help

It is important to teach your child safety tips. You must also teach them there…

Help Support Mothers Against Drink Drivers

The lives of so many children have been cut short and many other kids have…

Understanding Online Dangers and Child Safety

The Internet is a growing roadway that links people together through a network. Understanding child…

Keeping Children and Poison Apart

Unfortunately children can't identify poison by the skull and crossbones on the bottle. Even if…

Keep Kids Safe on the Internet

by Michelle Donaghey They are waiting to be your child’s best friend and confidant, knowing…

Pennsylvania Amber Alert Canceled For Rose Doran

Abduction Details: The Amber Alert for Rose Doran has been canceled. The child has been…

Michigan Amber Alert Canceled For Shamarcus Edwards

Cancellation Details: The Michigan Amber Alert for Shamarcus Edwards has been canceled. The mother was…

Michigan Amber Alert Issued For Shamarcus Edwards

Abduction Details: The Wyoming Police Department and The Michigan State Police have issued an Amber…