Practically all parents are willing to do whatever it takes to keep their child safe, especially from anything dangerous in their own home. Child safety locks and straps make it possible to provide a safe environment for children of all ages, by protecting them from electrical sockets, drawers with cleaning supplies, and just about anything that can be harmful to a child. Choosing which child safety locks to have in your home can be somewhat confusing, since there are dozens of types of child safety locks that all serve different purposes. Here is some great information on choosing which child safety locks to include in your home.
Both our kids turned out to be little monkeys. They used to climb everything they could. As a Dad it was a challenge to keep them safe without being overprotective. Safety straps that are attached to the wall and to the back of small furniture, can help prevent it from falling on a child.
Electrical outlets are very dangerous for children of all ages, and they are the first part of your home that you should protect your children from. Plastic light socket plugs can be purchased and inserted into any outlets that are not currently in use, and they can protect your child from possible harm. They are very difficult for a child to remove, yet can be easily removed by an adult when the outlet needs to be used. They usually come in packs of 20 to 30, so you should have no problem covering all of the outlets in your home.
Cabinets and drawers are usually full of all types of fun stuff, like pens, paper, cleaning supplies, and all types of items that can be hazardous to a child. Even if you keep all of your cleaning supplies and chemicals out of reach, there are most likely items in your cabinets that can still be harmful or breakable. Installing drawer and cabinet locks is the best option, since it makes it so your child does not have access to everything that should be locked away. The easiest types of locks to install are adhesive locks, which use double sided tape to stick to your cabinets and drawers. The latch base is applied to the inside of the cabinet, and the latch is applied to the door of the cabinet or drawer. The latch must be pushed down to unhook from the base for the drawer to be opened, making it almost impossible to a child to get access.
Major appliances are usually very interesting to children, since they see their mom playing with them on a regular basis. They can, however, be very dangerous, especially if mom is not around to supervise their play. Locks for the fridge, oven, dishwasher, and any other major appliances make it possible to keep the appliances closed, but are simple for adults and those who need access to them to open. The lock usually consists of two straps, with a buckle in between. One strap is applied to the appliance, while the other is applied to either the sink counter or other stable location near the appliance. The lock is difficult for children to understand, but simple enough for mom and dad to unhook when needed.
There are probably rooms in your home that aren’t fully baby proof, such as bedrooms and bathrooms throughout your home. Most toddlers learn how to open a door knob on their own, so it can be hard to keep them out of rooms they shouldn’t be in. You can either install a baby gate in front of the door if you wish, but then everyone else in the home will have to step over it to get into the room. The best option is to install door knob covers, which make it nearly impossible for a child to open the door knob. They slip right over the knob of almost any door, and sit loose on the knob so the child cannot get a grip on it. Two flat buttons on the lock can be pushed together for a grip on the knob, for adults and older children in the home to gain access to the room.
Child safety locks are essential in any home with children, to protect them from the many hazards that can be found in a home. By protecting them from electrical outlets, major appliances, drawers and cabinets, and rooms that are not fully baby proof, you feel a little more comfortable about the safety of your child. Along with making sure that everything is picked up off the floor and out of reach of your child, your child can live a happy and safer life in your home as long as you use child safety locks and properly supervise your child. However, it is important to remember, no home can be absolutely 100% safe, and no amount of locks or precautions should substitute for parental supervsition.
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